News and Events

  • Three documents as a follow up to the recent HUREX 24 Exercise have been developed by Malcolm Green. They can be accessed at Recent HUREX 24 Exercise Documents or under the menu item: Community Service/ Disaster Assistance.
  • There is a new DMR Net Script. See it at DMR Script.
  • The OBRA DMR net will now be held every Tuesday on Talkgroup 31377, at 08:00 pm.
    We are looking for people who can assist as net control operators.
  • OBRA has a new Events Sign. See it at OBRA Events Sign.
  • The OBRA Calendar has been updated with all of the HF and 2M events that have been scheduled as of February 5, 2024
  • Our Net is held every Thursday and all Hams from everywhere are invited to attend. Frequencies on the Outer Banks for the OBRA Net are at the following link:
  • The OBRA Calendar has been updated and In-Person meetings have been scheduled and posted monthly through May, 2024. All meetings will be held at the Black Pelican at 5:30 PM.
  • If you join or renew your ARRL membership, OBRA receives a commission, if you submit your application through OBRA. See the following link for more information: Join or Renew ARRL Membership
  • You can now sign up for OBRA Events 0nline. See the menu choice for the sign up form next to the OBRA Calendar of Events.
  • Read the recent article about OBRA in the Outer Banks Voice.
  • OBRA has a new Calendar of Events. It can be found as a new menu item, OBRA Events Calendar, or by clicking on the following link: OBRA Events Calendar
  • Introduction to Ham Radio and OBRA
  • Outer Banks Area Wide Net Script Outer Banks Area Wide Net Script

Updated June 27, 2024